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Day: 1/2 days

Modules: GWO Manual Handling (MH) & Refresher (MHR)

Price: £80 + VAT

Book: Online below via our online booking system

Call Us: 0141 882 9721

Email: [email protected]

Please pick from the below dates and follow the instructions on the booking form.

Further Course Details Below:
Course Overview

The aim of this Module is to encourage positive Manual Handling and ergonomic behaviour, encourage delegates to consider alternatives to manual handling through planning and to train delegates ability to perform Manual Handling tasks in a safe manner in the wind turbine industry/environment.

Pre-exam requirements

No requirement for initial course. Refresher courses require an in-date GWO certification in the refreshing module at the time of sitting the course.

Course syllabus
  • The Participants are able to demonstrate a problem-solving approach to Manual Handling in a wind turbine environment (L3 – Skill)
  • The Participants are able to demonstrate Manual Handling risk reduction techniques (L3 – Skill)
  • The Participants are able to identify aspects of their job tasks that could increase their risk of developing muscular/ skeletal injuries (L2 – Knowledge)
  • The Participants are able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of carrying out work duties in a safe and sound manner in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic work location (L2 – Knowledge)
  • The Participants are able to demonstrate understanding of safe practises of Manual Handling, including the correct handling of equipment (L2 – Knowledge)
  • The Participants are able to identify signs and symptoms of injuries related to poor Manual Handling techniques and have knowledge of reporting methods (L2 – Knowledge)

GWO MH or MHR Certificate Valid for 2 years

Age restrictions


Booking Terms